(For Sale)
(Current Sire)
(For Sale)
Coo Sale report 14
A touch of red - cattle in the Holbrook area - just look at that green!
Drinking in the salt air, scenery, relaxation and NO OFFICE!
Seal Bay with so many seals - so fat and lazy, just enjoying life.
Kangaroo Island
Remarkable Rocks were just that!
At last sales were over - I escaped to Kangaroo Island with a dear friend from my nursing past - so much beauty to discover.
Not only power, but the construction of the Cootharaba Cafe & Bull Bar made a huge difference to the fabulous caterers.
Bath time for the bulls pre-sale. Matt giving TLC to all of themBath time for the bulls pre-sale. Matt giving TLC to all of them.
My amazing support team - such regular helpers - much loved Trish, Nick, Julie, Diana.
Lot 1 Duarran Jamberoo - sold for $11,000 to Gindi Pastoral Co of Walcha. His first work is at Charleville so hope there has been some good rain!
Lot 5 Duarran Jaffa - at $11,000 he joins many Duarran mates at Tannyfoil. Thank you Gavin.
Beef 15 Winning 1st & 2nd Brangus Hfrs Duarran Xmas and Fancy.
RA Lot 22A Calf at Dispersal sale.
Lot 25A RA Dispersal - calf at foot
The Mighty Maranoa Jan 15.